The Importance of Kindness..

Shehani Hansika
3 min readJun 22, 2020

Remember the last time you show your kindness to someone.. Remember the last time you receive kindness from someone.. I’m sure you must have felt so special. The meaning of kindness means the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It is an interpersonal skill. Sometimes you may not in the right mood to show any affection or care toward anyone. That’s why being kind often requires courage and strength. However, people can mistake your kindness as a weakness of yours. Therefore you need to have your own boundaries and self-respect.

Why kindness is so important.

First, showing kindness gives you more happiness, satisfaction and it reduces your stress. Most importantly, it’s opening doors for new friendships and brigs you closer with outside community. Kind people are so attractive and they are beautiful inside and out. And Kindness will always come back to you. As I believe, everything we do, good or bad come back to us in the future. It’s like a cycle. So every good action we do right now will definitely come back to us in this same life. So what’s the point of keeping so much of hater inside of our mind or why being so jealous and judgmental. Spread love, kindness and positivity.

We can spread kindness in so much different ways.

It’s such a beautiful thing when we can make someones heart so warm with a simple kind smile. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness says by William Arthur. And smile from your heart. Because people can notice when others fake it and it makes them really ugly. It is so easy to give a warm smile than giving a hating frown look. It’s clean your blood and make you see positive in every person and every situations.

And just look for all the possible way to make peace around us. There is no single human being in this world who is 100% perfect. We all are carrying our negative and positive qualities within us. Also we have our own scary and embarrassing side of our mind which others can’t see. Everyone do. So consider more about good side of people instead of looking for wrong and bad side of them. It will make life so easy.

Practice how to listen to others. People need to express their feelings and they need someone to listen to them. Be a person who can listen to others patiently and it will grow your kindness. Also help others when you see people in need. Say “Thank you” and “sorry” more often. Use more kind words, Smile more and help others. Also do not expect in return when you’re giving your helping hand to someone.

Today, children also tend not to show kindness and affection much toward others around them. Some children think, being mean and bullying others will make them so cool and they don’t like to see situations in someone else’s shoes. That’s why we need to encourage kindness in children. We have to do it from their childhood. Teaching what is wrong and right, teaching kind words and smile, how to help people and most importantly we need be a good example to them. Children always watching us. They like to see what we are doing and the like to repeat our actions. So be kind to them, talk nice words around them and teach good manners with so much love.

Ultimately kindness is a choice. Practice it and it will becomes more natural. And don’t forget to be kind to yourself too. Treat yourself kindly. Love your self.

Let’s spread love and kindness to the world!

