Ways to Improve Your Self-Confidence!

Shehani Hansika
4 min readJun 19, 2020

Confidence.. It is a feeling of trust people have toward something or someone or the ability of success in something. Then What is Self Confidence? When people trust their self and stop doubting about their abilities we called it self-confidence.

Self-confidence is a very powerful word. It’s a strong feeling that we create inside of us. In my life, I have faced many embarrassing movements due to lack of my self-confidence. In all those situations, which I didn’t trust my abilities or my powers.. I hide my self among the crowd to stay been unnoticed.

When we born in to this world, we born with full of self-confidence. From the moment that babies are born, they start learning. They trying to talk, trying to walk and they are fully confident about their abilities and they don’t feel shy about failure. Have any one seen that babies worrying over their chubby cheeks or round bellies. They are just so happy, relax and so confidence about them self. That’s how babies learn so fast.

When we overcome our fears and starting to believe our self it makes us feels so happy and satisfied. People who has high self-confidence are so attractive compared to the others who has lack of confidence. Also it’s give the courage to stand up for yourself in every situations.

Lack of self-confidence just holding us back and just lead to shyness, failures, lack of personality and to miss a lot of opportunities. That is why exactly we need to boost our self confidence to avoid lot of failures in the future.

Here are few useful methods how can improve our self confidence.

01. Think positive and overcome Negativity

Naturally, we humans have created to avoid situations which our brain thinks insecure or uncomfortable to us. So our brain always leads for the negative path over positive path. That is exactly where we need our self-confidence to be more strong. Think positive and don’t let negativity control situations. Always believe yourself and trust your abilities.

Positive thinking is the key to your confidence. It is a strong mental attitude which leads to transfer the energy of thoughts into reality. Thinking positive brings us more happiness, health and self-love.

In a situations which you don’t feel much confidence, turn the way of your thinking into the side of positive and it will help you to regain your self-confidence again.

02. Stop Comparing yourself with others.

Its is one of the baddest things you can do to yourself. Comparing yourself is just make you lack of confidence in your life and it just leads us into depression. Nowadays people waste lot of time in social media and they used compare their self with the others who shares their social statues. But the truth is no ones life is perfect and smooth as it seems. Everyone of us struggling with our own problems.

So instead of comparing your self with others, compare your self with your own past. That is how you can make progress and make you way more confidence about your self.

03. Talk to yourself.

This is one of the best method to overcome your fears. When you feel like you are not enough and you have no ability or strength to face some situations.. try this out. Go to your mirror and tell your self that you are amazing and you are enough. Tell that you can overcome any-situation coming your way. Tell all the positive things to your self. Talk to you. Argue with your own self. The result will be amazing and this it will give you more self-confidence for sure.

04. Learn new skills.

Lack of knowledge also makes you less self-confidence. Learn new things, be expertise in your current career. Knowledge always make our back bone straight. The more we know the less we afraid to talk.

Think which areas where you lacking confidence and work hard to expertise in those areas.

05. Stop believe in self-limiting.

From our childhood we used to hear precautions from our adults. There was lot of do’s and don’ts we had to follow through our childhood. As I think, this is where our self-limiting started and now most of us are living in a box. We are feared to go beyond that limits which we own made.

Find your limits and expose your self in some situations you fear before. Even the situations are uncomfortable, do those continue till you get used them.

06. Be Yourself.

Trying to be someone else will clearly leads you to have lack of confidence. It happens because “Its not you”. When it’s not come naturally from yourself, It is hard to act more confidence.

So be more natural and be yourself. Every one of us are unique and we have our own qualities which makes us so special. So Loving your self is a must for self-confidence.

In short, Self confident can helps you to archive more than you imagine. It all starts from you. You are the one who choose to be more confidence or not. You can choose confidence over fear to be more success in your life.

Tell your mind that you can overcome anything and how much of a self-confidence you have within yourself. Your mind will listen and it will make you believe in you too.

Let’s be positive and more self confidence !

